Treasured Partnerships
Check out our partnerships and collaborations with other organizations and communities.

DataCamp, through its generous scholarship program, has provided premium account access to our members. This opportunity enables them to explore a wide range of courses on data analysis, Git, Python, SQL, AWS, Docker, and specialized tracks. The partnership supports members in mastering data skills and advancing toward becoming data experts.

AWS Cloud Club Philippines serves as the regional hub and driving force behind the university branch and all AWS Cloud Clubs across the country. This partnership empowers students to excel in cloud computing through hands-on initiatives and support.

Tutorials Dojo has significantly enhanced the learning journey of our members by providing sponsorships and partnerships, including free AWS eBooks, practice exams, and other resources. These initiatives help members deepen their knowledge of AWS and achieve certifications effectively.

Ambers has been a staple in our events, consistently serving as the number one food choice. Its delicious offerings have contributed to the success and enjoyment of our community gatherings.